01 Blue Theatre
2018, charcoal, pastel, 19 x 24"
This piece is intended to look like a theater. Blue accents and dark tones create a dramatic atmosphere. Using charcoal and pastel, I decided to create a sad mood within an inanimate setting, so that objects appear as though they are on a stage.

02 Talkless
2018, color pencil, ink, 14 x 17”
This piece is about not being able to express what one wants to say. As an immigrant, it is hard for us to adapt to the new environment at first due to our cultural and language barrier. The trumpet represents speech and the rope is wrapped around it to represent being held back from expressing what one wants to say. The flowers behind the trumpet represent the beautiful heritage in us.

03 Macbeth
2018, pastel, 19 x 24"
Inspired by Shakespeare's Macbeth, these still life objects were arranged to represent lust for royal power and its consequences. Flowers represent beauty, the skeleton symbolizes death, and the crown relates to high office. In the play, Macbeth ultimately died due to his ambition and thirst for power. The subject is the consequences of excessive desire.

04 Craziness
2018, charcoal, fabric, yarn, 19 x 24"
This world is a stressful place. Craziness in the background is represented by jagged forms, abstract formations, light and dark areas, stitches, and lines. The person with earphones stares straight ahead, immobile, trying to stay calm and balanced. A masquerade-type headdress, consisting of irregular fabric patches, contrasts with the smooth, regularly drawn face in charcoal.

05 Roped In
2018, charcoal, rope, 19 x 24"
In today's world, people often feel helpless or trapped. The figure's expression shows stress as she is tied up and held back by ropes. This is an experimental piece juxtaposing traditional charcoal with the ready-made matter of collage.

06 Taming Tongue
2018, pastel, rope, 19 x 24"
Often, we talk without really thinking about consequences. In this piece, rope restrains or tries to tame a wildly aggressive tongue, advocating that we should think before we speak. This work started with a photograph of a piece of yarn around my tongue. I chose pastel as a manipulative medium in relation to the strong, unyielding rope.

07 Be Free
2019, acrylic, 36 x 24 x 1.5"
Order and freedom are represented here. Order is indicated by a plaid design and a braid pattern, while a sense of freedom is projected with the unkempt hair and flying birds. The goal is to present a feeling of seeking freedom in a world full of systems.

08 Intestine
2019, shower curtain, plastic bags, candies, containers, ropes, 61 x 32 x 6"
Represented is an irregularly shaped, brightly colored human intestine, intended to show the harmful effects on people who have been eating fish who in turn have consumed plastic. Humans have been throwing plastic objects into the sea, harming ocean creatures who then hurt people as we eat sea animals who eat the trash we manufactured.

09 Scarcity
2019, torn paper, artificial turfs, hot glue, clay, bees, 9 x 27 x 21"
The vanity of not caring about the environment and wasting resources is an issue today. Many people are not aware of environmental issues and only focus on their comfort. In this collage, even though the houses are in a desert where water is scarce, each household is still wastefully watering its lawn for show purposes. Dead bees represent creatures dying, yet humans only focus on themselves and a beautiful lawn for their neighbors to envy.

10 Golden Memory
2019, music box, wire, paper, 12 1/4 x 15 3/8 x 18 3/4"
This piece is about nostalgia and longing for an important person in life. Fragments of gold represent daily glimpses reminding people of loved ones. The transparent piano represents my mom who will ultimately leave me as I entered the next phase of my life. She is a pianist, and the piano is transparent indicating she is still there but not literally with me as I enter college. The bed on the piano represents the safety I find in the presence of my mom.

11 Stretched Out
2019, acrylic, bottle cap, forks, plastic bag, hot glue, 24 x 30 x 3/4"
Often, people feel insecure and aren't willing to step out of their comfort zones. In this work, a face is broken apart into frontal and side views to show inner insecurities, while strings and glue represent a desire to close the face. On one side, trash objects represent thinking badly about ourselves. Junk is something we want to get rid of and that we don't want to show people. On the other side is the comfort zone that the person wants to get to, and the line between the two sides establishes an edge of transition.

12 School Girl
2018, magazine, paperclips, wire, skirt, shoes, 44 x 17"
Going into college and not knowing what one should do in the future can cause anxiety and confusion. In this installation, the schoolgirl's face is distorted because she is scared. The arrows and signs represent ways people around her are telling her to go. Outer and external images of a uniform consisting of a pleated skirt and regularized shoes are lined up to indicate order while the girls' face represents inner turmoil.

13 Endangered Turtle
2019, photoshop, 7 x 9"
Many species are going extinct because of the waste humans litter into the ocean. Sea turtles are eating microplastics thinking it is food. Some even have straws stuck in their nose just from swimming in the ocean. To encourage people to use bottles rather than plastic cups and straws, I have designed a water bottle with sea turtle shells so whenever one sees it, they will be reminded to use water bottles and to protect the environment.

14 Sheltering Nature
2019, clay, model nature, sand, water, roots, plastic ornaments, foam, 18 1/2 x 30 x 12 1/4"
This piece is about protecting nature. Bubbles of islands are sheltering the natural habitats away from the water waste underneath, creating a contrast between clean and dirty. The dirty water is what humans have done to the environment, and the sheltered bubbles represent what humans should do before destroying everything nature has to offer.

15 Toxic Entitlement
(video) 2019, paper, wire, plastic ornaments, foam core board
This piece is about how corporate companies drain natural resources, thereby building their wealth and simultaneously creating barriers to protect their destruction. The protective bubbles are intended to convey a separation of money and power from criticism. The futuristic character portrayed in this video is intended to represent a struggle for life in the face of damage inflicted upon the world.

16 Oranges
Colored Pencil

17 Harold Park 2
Oil Paint

18 Harold Park
Oil Paint
19 Angel Flower
20 Ladybug
Ink, Color Pencil

21 Conch
Ink, Color Pencil

22 High Heel
Color Pencil